Photo by Jarid Rollins

Photo by Jarid Rollins


meet coach amy


A bit about me…

Growing up in the mountains of the Aspen valley, I found a passion for the outdoors at an early age. Camping, hiking, and trail running were frequent and welcome weekend activities for my family of five. As the youngest of three girls, I grew up watching my older sisters excel in athletics and knew I desired the same trajectory for myself.

I competed for Concordia University- Irvine in cross country as well as track & field from 2007-2010. During that time I competed in four national championships and discovered my true passion for training. I have always enjoyed competing, however the real fulfillment for me is in the day to day work of showing up and pushing myself.

I began my coaching career with the cross country program at Basalt High School in 2010. Since then, my clientele has grown to athletes of all ages and abilities ranging from seasoned life-long runners to first time 5Kers.

I strive to develop a wholistic approach to fitness and wellness with each of my clients. From creating space for yourself to improve to engaging with your community, fitness has the ability to boost our physical, mental, and spiritual well being. I believe strongly in the power to create resilience through sport. My goal is to equip you with tools that not only improve your fitness, but empower you to push yourself forward in all areas of life.